Donate Now
Food Assistance Hours

Monday-Thursday 1:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesday Evening 5:00pm-7:00pm
Friday 9:00am-12:00pm

Donation Hours

Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday 9:00am-12:00pm

Required Community Service

Do you need to complete required community service? We have daily shifts Monday-Friday that will allow you to complete your hours. We encourage you to begin the process of scheduling your hours far in advance before you need verification. 

Guidelines for Service

  • Charges related to an act of violence or sexual misconduct are prohibited.
  • Every shift must be scheduled in advance. No walk-ins.
  • If you miss your scheduled shift without notifying us, you will be unable to finish your service with us.
  • When you complete your hours, we require 5 business days’ notice to send verification.
  • It is your responsibility to keep track of your hours and sign in for each volunteer shift. 
  • If you show up under the influence of drugs or alcohol for a shift, we will decline service.

Once you have completed your application, our volunteer coordinator will be in contact with further instructions.

Complete our Community Service Application:

  • Personal Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    If you are under 18, please call us at 586-7600 to discuss your options.
  • Service Requirements

  • Please note, in most cases we need at least one week notice for scheduling and we offer 2-3 hour shifts each day. Please plan ahead!
  • Verification of Hours

    Please provide contact information for the one person (Community Service Coordinator, Parole Officer, Lawyer, Judge, Court, etc.) who will need to receive final verification of your completed hours. You can skip this step if you just need a timesheet signed.
  • Statement of Confidentiality

  • I attest that the information I have provided is all true and accurate too the best of my ability and I hereby volunteer my services to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.

    As a volunteer with the Gallatin Valley Food Bank and the HRDC District IX, I agree to the following:

    1. All notes, other written material on paper or on the computer will be kept in secure places and not left out for public view.

    2. Discussion regarding specific clients will be held in offices, behind closed doors, or other places where privacy can be assured.

    3. No privileged information about clients will be discussed with family, friends, outside co-workers, or anyone outside of the Gallatin Valley Food Bank or HRDC District XI organizations. Privileged information includes any and all family and personal information from the client database as well as the fact that any particular individual or family is, in fact, a client of the food bank.

    4. For privileged information to be shared with other agencies or professionals, verbally or in writing, written authorization will first be obtained from the client. The only exception will be a request made by legitimate law enforcement officers and these will be handled on a case by case basis by the Director of the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.

    5. Access to client data files is limited to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank staff and volunteers, staff at the HRDC District IX, and professional staff with other legitimate agencies in the community. Access to client data files by anyone must be approved by the Director of the Gallatin Valley Food Bank or in their absence, the supervisor of the food bank Director at the HRDC District IX.

    6. No privileged information about confidential meetings will be discussed with family, friends, or outside co-workers.

    7. No volunteer will interfere or discuss any employee’s personal or professional problems with family, friends, other volunteers, facility staff or outside co-workers. Violating the above Statement of Confidentiality will be cause to terminate a volunteer. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by this Statement of Confidentiality.

  • I attest that the information I have provided is all true and accurate too the best of my ability and I hereby volunteer my services to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch with you via email to schedule your required hours.

  • Fresh produce
  • Masa harina
  • Granola bars
  • Diced green chiles
  • Shelf-stable milk
  • Microwavable meals (ramen, easy mac, etc.)
  • Pasta
  • Peanut butter, 16oz
  • Cereal
  • Rice
  • Pantry staples like flour, sugar, oil, and spices
  • Diapers, size 3 and up
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby formula
  • Toilet paper
  • Laundry detergent

Visit our How to Donate page for more details, including donation hours and location.